Historic sites Remains of Madamichi
Historic sites Sashikasa Hija (Natural Spring)
Historic sitesHistory The tomb of the shipwrecked Ryukyuans killed on Taiwanese soil
Historic sites The Naha City Eternal Peace Monument “Naguyake”
Historic sitesHistory Monument for War Dead of Okinawan Settlers of the South Sea Pacific Mandate
Historic sitesHistory Madanbashi (Madan Bridge)
Historic sitesHistory Old strees in Oroku
Historic sitesHistory Agarinu Utaki (East-side Prayer Site)
Historic sitesHistoryNature Utinda
Historic sitesHistoryShuri Castle ParkWorld heritage Shuri Castle Park, Houshin Gate
Historic sitesHistoryShuri Castle Park Shuri Castle Park, Nanden & Bandokoro
Historic sitesHistoryShuri Castle ParkWorld heritage Shuri Castle Park, Una Forecourt
Historic sitesHistory Commodore Perry Landing Monument
Historic sitesHistory A group of old Naikubu graves
Historic sitesHistory The Monument of Bettelheim
Historic sitesHistoryWorld heritage Shuri Castle Park (The pay zones and the rest center Suimui)