- Historic sitesHistoryShuri Castle Park Old Enkaku-ji Hojo Bridge
- Historic sitesHistoryShuri Castle Park Kankai Mon (Gate) of Shuri Castle Site
- Historic sitesHistoryShuri Castle Park Sho-in, Sasunoma and the Garden of Shuri Castle
- HistoryTemples and shrines Seikoji
- History Uchina nu Utaki (Okinawa no Utaki)
- HistoryNature Agarinu Ka (East-side Well)
- History Karaga (Kara Well)
- HistoryNature Oh Hija
- History Binjurugua (Binzuru)
- History Banjoga (Well at the Guard House)
- Historic sitesHistory The tomb of the shipwrecked Ryukyuans killed on Taiwanese soil
- Historic sitesHistory Monument for War Dead of Okinawan Settlers of the South Sea Pacific Mandate
- History Ju Ju (October 10th) Air Raid
- Historic sitesHistory Madanbashi (Madan Bridge)
- Historic sitesHistory Old strees in Oroku
- Historic sitesHistory Agarinu Utaki (East-side Prayer Site)