HistoryNature Ufuga (Ubuga)
Historic sitesNatureWorld heritage Nature of Shikinaen (Garden). This is the original place of the Shimachisujinori. (The big trees along the passage)
Historic sitesNature Oishi Park
HistoryNature Agarinu Ka (East-side Well)
HistoryNature Oh Hija
Nature Shintoshin (New Urban Center) Park
Historic sitesHistoryNature Utinda
Nature Gajanbira Park (including a monument inscribed with Hibari Misora’s song)
HistoryNature Takadaira Hill
HistoryNatureScenic spots Turajiyama
HistoryNature Bojiga
Historic sitesHistoryNature Asahigaoka Park (including Uminari Statue, Kozakura Tower, Master Jana Rizan Monument, Newspaper Men’s Monument, Okinawa Performing Arts Ancestors Monument)
Historic sitesHistoryNature Uchikanagusuku Sacred Grove
HistoryNature Uema Ga
HistoryNature Agari Nuka (Uema)
HistoryNature Miyamo-Haruishifu