Tourist attraction

Okinawa Prefectual Martial Arts Gym (Budokan)


Okinawa Prefectual Martial Arts Gym (Budokan) is in the Onoyama Athletic Park, located along the Kokuba River. It was built on February 1, 1996. An arena, a training hall, and meeting rooms are in the facility. The building’s area is 6,458.339㎡. Not only is it used for sports such as martial arts and ball games, but for the Industrial Festival and other events as well. Sports and martial arts lessons, for children and adults, are held here too.

Basic information

900-0026 52 Onoyama-cho Naha Okinawa
098-858-2700 (English is not supported) Onoyama Park Management and Administrative Office
Business hours
Open 9:00 - 21:00
Close day
Closed Tuesday,
Jan. 1 - Jan. 4,
Dec. 28 - Dec. 31
Free outdoor parking
Access information
Take the "Yui Rail" from Naha Airport. Either a 5-minute walk from Onoyama-kouen station or a 3-minute walk from Tsubogawa station.
A 5-minute walk from Gunsanbashi-mae bus stop.

Additional Information

車イス駐車場 車イス用トイレ スロープ 車イス貸出
