Tourist attraction

Tenbusu Naha

Traditional craft

“Tenbusu” means ‘navel’ in the Okinawan dialect. Performances are held at Tenbusu Hall, where visitors can experience culture and performing arts in the middle of Kokusai-dori Avenue. There is also a hands-on facility where visitors can experience making traditional crafts, such as Tsuboya-yaki pottery, Ryukyu lacquerware, Shuri weaving, Ryukyu bottle gourds, and Ryukyu glass. Various events are held in the plaza (pocket park) in front of the facility, attracting many people.

Basic information

900-0013 3-2-10 Makishi Naha Okinawa
Business hours
Tuesday - Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Monday 9am - 6pm (except national holidays)
Close day
2nd and 4th Mondays (If the Monday is a national holiday, the museum is closed on the following weekday.)
Fees vary depending on the purpose of use, so please check the website for details.
Maximum parking fee: 1,000 yen (for up to 6 hours of parking)
Access information
Take the "Yui Rail" from Naha Airport. An 5-minute walk from Makishi station or 10 minutes from Miebashi station.

Additional Information

エレベーター 車イス駐車場 車イス用トイレ スロープ 車イス貸出 授乳室